Ben Marsh, a North Carolina-based Christian pastor, delivered a harsh smackdown on CNN this week about fellow Christians who believe that former President Donald Trump was divinely chosen.
In an interview with CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, Marsh picked apart claims made by Christian nationalists who have used their faith as a justification for falling in line behind Trump despite the fact that the former president is a convicted felon who incited a deadly riot at the United States Capitol building in a bid to illegally remain in power.
First, Marsh sharply questioned the belief that America was founded as a Christian nation.
“What does it mean that ‘America is a Christian country?'” Marsh asked. “We have a constitution that is rooted in liberal democracy. We don’t arrive at the constitution with just the Bible, unless you’re buying a Trump Bible which already has the American constitution in it.”
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He then warned that such beliefs were dangerous when attached to a demagogue such as Trump.
“It can create a cult-like attitude towards the leader,” he said. “Because they’re no longer just, ‘Oh, that’s the right guy, I like his policies,’ now it’s, ‘Oh, Jesus has chosen that person. So we have to follow that person to wherever they go.'”
Marsh also warned that such attitudes were likely to make violence more likely in the future.
“We’re in a time when political violence is just in the air that we breathe,” he said. “People are so afraid. It comes back to fear. So Trump supporters are looking at Democrats: If they win, they’re going to commit all these atrocities, you have Christian leaders who are saying they’re going to lock you up, they’re going to take away your pulpit. Just rampant lies!”
Marsh also said that the Christian nationalist movement was “enticing people to do things that really aren’t Christian.”