Appearing on MSNBC’s “Way Too Early,” former Republican National Committee spokesperson Tim Miller took a shot at Donald Trump’s running mate for claiming to a rally crowd that the 78-year old GOP presidential nominee is “healthier” than him.
Speaking with host Jonathan Lemire, Miller, of the conservative Bulwark, quickly slapped down the spin and ridiculed the Ohio Republican for engaging in the type of propaganda that would not be out of place in North Korea.
Speaking in Reno, Vance proclaimed, “I try to be a humble guy. I think the presidency is, of course, such a big job but I feel extremely confident. I mean, hell, Donald Trump is healthier than I am, so I feel extremely confident that Donald Trump is going to serve and serve well for four years for the American people.”
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After sharing the Reno rally clip, host Lemire called Vance’s remarks “shameless” and dryly added, “J.D. Vance is almost 40 years younger than Donald Trump, but that won’t stop him from saying that Donald Trump is healthier, smarter, more handsome than he is. There really isn’t anything they won’t say to flatter the boss, will they?”
“Yeah,” Miller agreed. “The North Korea-type spin remains uncomfortable, even though we’ve been dealing with this for whatever, nine years now, Jonathan.”
“I think J.D. Vance, in particular, feels like he has to go overboard to overcompensate for the fact that he sounded a lot like me: he was a never-Trump Republican for many years before he decided to go all in,” he added. “I think this is kind of a way for him to maintain credibility with the boss – that he has an audience of one, if you will.”
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