Megyn Kelly, who once said she would “walk over broken glass” for Donald Trump, launched into a diatribe against former first lady Michelle Obama on Kelly’s SiriusXM radio show Monday, saying the U.S. gave her “everything she has” and she should just “shut up” about any criticisms of the country.
This comes after Mrs. Obama expressed frustration at the country’s inability to move past treating former President Donald Trump as a serious candidate for office at her speech in Kalamazoo, Michigan, saying, “I hope that you will forgive me if I’m a little angry that we are indifferent to his erratic behavior, his obvious mental decline, his history as a convicted felon, a known slum lord, a predator found liable for sexual abuse — all of this while we pick apart Kamala’s answers from interviews that he doesn’t even have the courage to do, y’all.”
She also criticized the indifference of men to women’s well-being, saying, “Do not put our hands in the lives of politicians — mostly men — who have no clue or do not care about what we as women are going through.”
None of this sat well with Kelly, who accused Mrs. Obama of hating America.
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“The other point is, the Democrats were on bended knee with two dozen red roses, begging Michelle Obama to run, especially when Joe Biden started to implode,” said Kelly. “They would have done anything to sub her in. Is it just Kamala Harris’ race and gender, only when it’s in the name and face of Kamala Harris being a person of color and a woman will stop you?”
“And I’m so sick and tired of Michelle Obama whining about how racist and sexist America is,” Kelly raged. “We made her rich and famous and beloved beyond any measure. Everything she has is due to this country, her Martha’s Vineyard estate and her Chicago estate and her Washington, D.C. estate and her Hawaii estate and her trips on the David Geffen yacht. I am sick and tired of her complaining about us. It’s like Oprah. Just shut up! All of your gifts are due to us. All we want to hear you say is, ‘Thank you.’ That’s it. That’s what we want to hear you say.”
Kelly, who previously worked at Fox News and NBC News, is known for controversial comments, including furiously proclaiming that Jesus and Santa Claus are white and that there’s nothing wrong with white people dressing in blackface.
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